Completed application forms should be submitted no later than Friday, January 3, 2020.
A $100 application fee is required from all prospective applicants. This fee is applicable toward tuition balance and must be received in order for an application to be considered to be complete.
● This can be submitted online at or you can have the check made out and mailed to:
Make check out to :
Institute of Medicine and Public Health of New Jersey
Mail to:
Marlene M. Kalayilparampil, MHA
Medical Society of New Jersey
2 Princess Road
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-2302
Tuition Information
Tuition for the 2020 NJHELA 6-month program is $7,500, and includes all meals, accommodations, and instructional materials. It does not include travel as all activities will be local (*If you submitted your $100 application fee, you would then be responsible for only the balance tuition amount of $7,400).
The balance of tuition will be invoiced mid-February and is due 30 days from date of invoice. No refunds can be made after the invoice date unless the reserved space in the program can be filled.